Central Technology Solutions: The Blog

Central Technology Solutions has you covered from IT Services, cybersecurity, cloud support, and physical security including video surveillance.

Posts about Technology (2):

12 Tech Tips to Turn into Tech Habits

12 Tech Tips to Turn into Tech Habits

Did you know? October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

Team CTS has gathered a list of our favorite tech tips to help keep your information safe, in and out of the office! Check out these 12 tips that professionals actively do to keep themselves and their family members safe from cybercriminals.

How to Have Tech Confidence in the New Year

How to Have Tech Confidence in the New Year


What does the term “tech-confidence”, even mean? Sometimes technology can be overwhelming and intimidating, even for someone who knows their way around a computer. With every new update, something changes. It becomes difficult to navigate a site that you used to know like the back of your hand! Tech-confidence, plain and simple, is keeping you as up to date as your computer is.